2x engine mounts for PORSCHE 924S 944 S S2 Turbo from '86- 968 hydromount MEYLE
Original Meyle
Description: These engine mounts from the manufacturer Meyle are a popular alternative to the overpriced original parts from Porsche.
If the engine is restless and the engine block is pounding, the hydraulic bearings are usually worn out. In addition to this version from Meyle, we also offer other bearings. Both fit the 4-cylinder transaxle Porsche from model year 1986. The bearings are built for manual vehicles, but also fit Tiptronic vehicles. The original Tiptronic bearings are softer than the bearings for manual vehicles.
The Meyle company was founded in Hamburg in 1958 under the name Wulf Gaertner GmbH to export original spare parts from German car manufacturers to Latin America. In 1995, the MEYLE brand was taken over, which is now also the company's namesake. With this takeover came the step from exporter to manufacturer of our own products. Today, Meyle has several production plants in which chassis and steering parts as well as rubber-metal parts are developed and manufactured, which, in addition to the spare parts business, also supply original equipment manufacturers and automobile manufacturers (OEM) with series parts.
Customer evaluation for "2x engine mounts for PORSCHE 924S 944 S S2 Turbo from '86- 968 hydromount MEYLE"
From:Norman DopheideOn:20 Jul 2020
Nachdem ich viel Schlechtes in diversen Foren gelesen hatte, war ich erst skeptisch, habe mich dann aber doch dazu entschlossen die Motorlager zu testen.
Sie sind einfach top!
Ich fahre meinen 944 täglich und habe jetzt ca. 10.000 km mit den neuen Motorlagern zurückgelegt. Die Lager sind immer noch gut und wie am ersten Tag.
Qualität und Leistung stimmen einfach zu 100%.
Der Versand war wie immer schnell und gut.